If you’re trying to decide if this is the year you take the chance and open a franchise, you really need to look at recent statistics about opening a salon franchise. Between labor statistics, interest rates, and the data for franchise growth, it just makes sense that salon franchises will be highly sought after in 2022 and beyond.
Cosmetology as a career field keeps growing. According to the Bureau of Labor statistics, personal appearance jobs such as hairdressers, cosmetologists, and estheticians are expected to increase by over 9% by 2028. That is nearly double the projected 5% growth in total US employment during the same period.
What does that mean for a Cherry franchise? It means that there will be a lot of experienced cosmetologists graduating out there for you to choose from when you open a Cherry Blow Dry Bar franchise. Not only will it help staff your location, but you’ll reap the rewards by being able to staff your salon with qualified graduates who are experts in their field.
You’ll face less competition. While it’s never good to hear, many small salons have gone out of business during the Covid pandemic. Data has shown that there are now 37.5% fewer small businesses open compared to January 2020. When small businesses don’t have the expertise of a franchisor behind them, it’s hard to overcome obstacles such as temporary shutdowns and hardships that many faced in 2020 & 20021.
Luckily, with Cherry Blow Dry Bar you have a team of business experts on your side to help you through the hard times with strategies, insights, and years of professional development and success behind them.
Setting yourself up for long-term success. In the past few months, we’ve seen financial experts reporting that we’re entering a recession. Beginning a business in 2022 ahead of the recession will help you focus on creating a lean company from the start. Between the financial landscape and your team of Cherry Blow Dry Bar franchise experts, you can concentrate on limiting spending, prioritizing essentials, and keeping a tight watch on your numbers. The great part of being a part of a successful franchise is that our development team knows what’s necessary for spending and what isn’t. One thing that sets a Cherry franchise apart from an independent salon is that we have the knowledge to know what expenses are needed and what aren’t – so your investment is used to create a robust long-term plan.
With franchise companies expected to grow in 2022, more cosmetologists and hairdressers graduating in the upcoming year, and interest rates remaining low for the time being, now’s the perfect time to talk with a Cherry Blow Dry Franchise representative to discuss your options.
When you open a Cherry Blow Dry Bar franchise, you are joining a family of experts who are with you through the whole process and equip you with the knowledge and tools to make your Cherry a success. If you’re interested in seeing if a Cherry Blow Dry Bar franchise is right for you, Contact Us and a representative will be in touch. If you’d like to see the minimum requirements and have other questions answered before speaking with a representative, visit our FAQ page first.